This week, we all met early on in the week and several of us expressed that because we had put all of our work in last week, we needed to do some more work on other classes. And so, we all decided that this would be a good time to put some extra work into other classes and have a bit of a lighter sprint.
The main purpose of this next sprint was mostly some personal work such as documentation and learning more about the engine. We are currently on the route of trying to get all of the required deliverables this semester out of the way so that we don't have to worry about them last minute.
And so, this will be mainly a reflection on how things are going in a wider scope of things and looking back on the progress we had made and how that all lead to this.
To start off - I love the team I'm working with. We get along incredibly well, we stay on the right page most of the time, and when there's problems, we address them like the adults going into this industry that we're supposed to be and get through those problems as a team. But, one of the main problems we had was that we all went towards the same wrong direction. Personally, I think it's better to all go the wrong direction than to be split apart and going off in several directions, but it still was unfortunate that we started off the wrong way.
Because of this unfortunate start, we ended up being a bit behind. As discussed in my previous blogs, instead of doing the rapid prototyping we were supposed to do, we were trying to dive right into producing the game. That put us behind right off the bat, and we didn't recover until recently.
Now, the one thing I'm mainly concerned about at this point is the fact that our game has such a large scope. Being set behind is going to be a difficult thing going forward with considering our large scope. At the moment, a lot of what we are trying to do is figure out how to minimize the scope so that we can have a good vertical slice done by Mid Mortem.
And I'm going to be honest - I'm scared and concerned. I really do hope my team goes forward this semester into next semester.